Returning to the Field

We're going back to Central America soon. Rochelle arrives there on January 20, and TJ joins her in late February to end the visit with a Community Health Clinic in early March.

THANK YOU for the year-end contributions. Whether you donated to a specific program or to our general fund, your donations are critical.  We cannot operate year-round without YOU standing with us. Our goal is to provide a financial summary for 2023 by the end of this quarter.

There is still time to help us with this upcoming extended visit. Scroll below for small and big ways to contribute. Most importantly, please pray for our Visiting Teams and their travel protection. We'll share more details with you on them shortly. If you have a special prayer request, please email us. We will be in touch!

Love and Peace,
T.J. and Rochelle Scott, Co-Founders, OBGM


In January we're interviewing new candidates who need Sponsorship. Donate now if you would like to give the gift of education to a young adult or contact Rochelle to set up a call for more information on this commitment. Click on the image below for details.

Click on the "Shop Now" image below to see our Amazon Wish List for this upcoming visit. Orders can be made anytime before Jan 31, 2024 and will be shipped to Rochelle/TJ in Campobello, SC to bring to Central America.


If one of our focus areas speaks more to you than another, you can specify where you'd like your recurring donation to go. Otherwise, your tax-deductible gift will go to the area of greatest need! You can specify monthly, weekly, biweekly, quarterly, every 6 months or annually.

OBGM is a qualified  501c3 under many Employee Matching Programs. Ask your employer if your donation can be matched to double or triple your impact to OBGM.


We’re Here…Opening Your Heart


Memories from the Field