Memories from the Field

We're back! The visit to Central America earlier this month was brief, yet blessed with moments of hope and light. The 2023 school year concluded, and we celebrated the dedication of our Education and Vocation center (now named Casa Mariposa) to the memory of T.J.’s mom, Penny Scott. Thank you for your generous support to this special space of transformation for our College Sponsorship Program, English program and Community Outreach. See below for the specifics.
Next week, many of us will be celebrating Christmas with family and friends. We hope you experience and share the true Light and Peace of Christmas. Better yet, our wish is that you keep these gifts alive all year long.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
T.J. and Rochelle Scott, Co-Founders, OBGM

The word from heaven will come to us, with dazzling light to shine upon those who live in darkness, near death’s dark shadow. And he will illuminate the path the leads to the way of peace - Luke 1:79 TPT

If you have an interest to serve or questions about a future clinic, contact Rochelle.


On December 3, we hosted a group meeting with our college scholarship recipients to discuss the year's challenges and sucesses. If you are a Sponsor, check your INBOX/SPAM for a message from your student! Contact Rochelle if you would like to give the gift of education to a young adult.

(Click image for video mash up of college student program)


Thank you to all of you who are standing with us as we continue our work in Central America. If one of our focus areas speaks more to you than another, you can specify where you'd like your donation to go. Otherwise, your tax-deductible gift will go to the area of greatest need!  100% of your support is applied to our programming in Nicaragua.

OBGM is a qualified  501c3 under many Employee Matching Programs. Ask your employer if your donation can be matched to double or triple your impact to OBGM.

Donate Now

Education Sponsorship – "In Mike’s Words"
Mike Palmer of Cocoa Beach, FL joined us in Ometepe from November 28 – December 7, 2023. We invited Mike to share his experience with us. We hope you are inspired by it!

God was gracious in allowing me to visit Ometepe Island for a second time. I have sponsored the education of four children for the past five years with OBGM. The main reason for this visit was to celebrate the high school graduation of José David Alvarez.  I sat with his family at the commencement, beaming inside as if he were my own grandson.  I will continue my sponsorship as he begins his 5-year university studies in the Law.  

I also helped in two OBGM-sponsored English classes, listened to the testimonies of the current college students, was also able to meet with the other three students and their parents that I sponsor.  And, found time to pray and meditate while sitting on my porch with the view of one of Ometepe’s volcanoes. My reward: God’s clear vision for me with respect to my involvement to OBGM in the future. My suggestion to every sponsor is, if you have the time, go and visit.  One college student asked, ‘how soon would I be returning?’  My question to ALL of you is ‘when will you be visiting?’
Don Miguel 

OBGM's English program (both in Sintiope and Madroñal) will continue through the Nicaragua school break this December & January. Learning a new language requires consistent practice. A command of English in Ometepe Island provides greater job opportunities for the local residents. For the first time, we now have a facility to continue classes and the resources to back it up thanks to God and YOUR support.

If you are unable to financially support this year-round program, YOU can donate children's books or volunteer with us online. No experience necessary.

Please email Rochelle if you're interested.


Returning to the Field


Fall Update